The OTEN conference:
- The keynote speaker talked mostly about the computers he had used in the past.
- Although that was interesting, it didn't link up that well with his final thoughts.
- We don't know what technology will look like 5 years from now, never mind 30 years.
- Technology should be seen as a tool.
- The first workshop I attended was about the use of a digital whiteboard.
- It was mostly a show and tell.
- The speaker again stressed that no matter how much she liked the whiteboard, it was a tool, not to be used for it's own sake.
- The second workshop I attended was about how schools in New Zealand use technology
- Point England school uses blogs for their students.
- The expected growth of their students has increased fourfold.
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Mixed feedback on the keynote. Wonderful you benefited from the elementary school application of the Smartboard, and the New Zealand presenter sounded fascinating.